Friday, May 20, 2011

"BayWEB" Broadband Network will Help Public Safety and Create 1,300 Jobs

Today the Alliance for Jobs and Sustainable Growth, a coalition of business and labor, announced its support of the Bay Area Wireless Enhanced Broadband System (BayWEB), a new wireless broadband network that promises to help law enforcement, create jobs, and improve wireless access in underserved areas.

"Business and labor don't agree on everything, but we agree that this public-private project is necessary because it will help law enforcement agencies communicate better in emergency situations," said Leon Chow of SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West and an Alliance leader. "BayWEB will improve the safety of the entire Bay Area by providing law enforcement agencies with a state-of-the-art, interoperable, LTE 4G broadband network."

The Alliance cites three reasons for supporting BayWEB: it helps public safety; it creates jobs; and it increases broadband access to underserved areas and institutions such as community colleges, hospitals, schools and libraries.

Steve Falk, President of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and an Alliance leader, emphasized job creation.

"This project will bring 1,300 jobs into the Bay Area," said Falk. "We need this kind of project in tough economic times. Unlike most projects, the timeline is immediate and the positive impact will be felt within the first two years."

According to a resolution passed unanimously by the Alliance, BayWEB will provide public broadband access for Bay Area community colleges, hospitals, health care providers, public libraries, and schools as well as business and residential customers in areas with limited or no access to high-speed Internet.

The resolution also says that for public safety users, BayWEB will deploy a "comprehensive LTE 4th Generation wireless broadband network."

"This state-of-art system will support data interoperability, allowing Bay Area emergency responders to connect on a common dedicated data network for the first time," says the resolution. "In a disaster situation, BayWEB will enable emergency responders to have broadband access to mission-critical information and improve the delivery of health and safety services to millions of Northern California residents."

About BayWEB:

BayWEB will provide economic benefits for the entire Bay Area. The build-out and deployment of the BayWEB network is estimated to create more than 1,300 jobs. In addition, local job creation will be boosted by the public broadband component of BayWEB.

After 10 years, ownership of the BayWEB system will be transferred to the local Bay Area governing authority, providing local jurisdictions the opportunity to operate these proven systems and generate revenue.

The $72.4 million project is jointly funded through a federal BTOP (Broadband Technology Opportunities Program) grant of $50.5 million and $21.9 million in private funding from Motorola Solutions. The company was awarded the federal grant following a competitive review process administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.


A. Philip Randolph Institute
Building Owners and Managers Association
Carpenters Local 22
San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
Committee on Jobs
San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs' Association
Golden Gate Restaurant Association
Hospital Council of Northern & Central California
International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers Local 1245
International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 6
Laborers Local 261
Laborers Local 261 Community Service & Training Foundation
Mission Housing Development Corporation
Mission Language & Vocational School
Northern California District Council of Laborers
Plan C
Plumbers & Pipefitters Union Local 38
San Francisco Police Officers Association
Small Business Network
Teamsters Local 856
UFCW Local 5

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