Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bounced Paychecks Issue at the New Dow Bay Area Family Y project

Bricklayers at the new Dow Bay Area Family Y project in downtown Bay City say some of their paychecks have bounced and a labor union official said he will seek to stop brick work there until payments are made good.

According to copies of bank documents contained in four “notices of furnishing” sent to the Bay Area Family Y and its general contractor, Saginaw-based Pumford Construction, some bricklayers working on the $13.2 million project received paychecks that bounced or incomplete payments from JC Brick, a Shelby Township masonry company.

The notices are dated May 31 and June 1 and are a required under the state’s Construction Lien Act before seeking a lien on labor to stop work until payments are caught up.

Greg Lobodzinski, a union representative for the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 9, said he plans to file a lien on labor for all employees of JC Brick early this week. As of Friday, bricklaying continued.

“A lot of people are disappointed that a community organization … is having things like this going on, on the job site,” said Lobodzinski. “Guys aren’t getting paid.”

Joe Cusmano, the owner of JC Brick, says all payments are current, despite the bank paperwork showing returned checks. He blames the general contractor, Pumford Construction of Saginaw.

“We’re up to date and, if there was slow payment, it’s on (Pumford Construction’s) end,” said Cusmano. “But I don’t know anything about late payments.”

Lobodzinski claims some payments due employees were made, but other employees are still waiting for their pay.

Chuck Brooks, executive director of the Bay Area Family Y, said the YMCA pays Pumford, which processes payments to subcontractors. Brooks said the Y has paid for the brick work to date and he is aware of the situation.

“Really, that’s minor in the grand scheme of it all,” said Brooks. “It’s important that those guys get paid, of course. There are just construction issues, though, many that happen in any construction project.”

Brooks announced his retirement Friday, just months before the project was expected to be completed.

Pumford Construction officials declined to comment about the labor allegations.

Kyle Lagace said he worked for JC Brick as a bricklayer on the Bay Area Family Y project from September to May.

He said he had two paychecks dating to November that totaled $1,393.26 returned for insufficient funds. Lagace said he received all of his pay last week, but is still waiting for reimbursement for a $210 medical bill for a job-related injury.

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