Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Shop Small Saturday Gains Steam in Bay Area

Black Friday, Cyber Monday; on two of the biggest shopping days of the year, big box stores seem to steal the hype away from small businesses. Until now! 

Small Business Saturday is only in it's second year, but it's catching on across the country.
Stores locally, like Threads That Bind, plan on offering incentives and sales to get people to come in, on the Saturday after Black Friday.
"Small businesses real often get a little bit ignored and it's another way to get people to come and shop locally. Sometimes they go online or to the bigger cities and forget how much we do have here in Coos Bay," explains Threads That Bind business owner Sharan Thompson.
The movement was started by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and American Express as a way to help struggling small businesses. Shop owners ended up seeing a 28% increase in sales volume that day.
"Shop Small was started by a financial institution that decided that the small businesses need to have something like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and so they set up Saturday Shop Small," says Thompson.
To find a list of local shops participating in our area, go online to

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