If you want to buy a business in Tampa, the current median asking price is exactly $180,000. That’s down from a year ago, at the end of Q2 2011, when the median asking price for businesses in Tampa was $184,000.
But the sales potential of the businesses for sale is up. Q2 listed businesses in the Tampa area had median revenue of $312,000, up from $307,538 at this same time last year.
Those are some of the latest findings from BizBuySell.com of Q2 data on what small businesses are selling for in Tampa Bay. The data is based on 685 Tampa-area businesses listed at BizBuySell.com.
The median cash flow — the money that comes out of the business over the course of a year — is $80,000, versus median cash flow of $78,710 last year. Also, business owners in the Tampa Bay area will typically ask for, on average, a revenue multiple of .82 (changed from .94 year over year) and a cash flow multiple of 3.03 (changed from 3.29 year over year).
Listings in local datasets include businesses listed by local brokers, as well as "for sale by owner" listings that have been listed by the business owner without the assistance of a business broker. That data is used to generate local statistics because there is an adequate sample size for local listings, whereas there may be fewer closed transactions reported to BizBuySell.com for any given local area, the company said in a statement prepared for the Tampa Bay Business Journal.
On actual sales, BizBuySell analyzed 66 closed transactions in this market in Q2. Businesses sold for a median sale price of $99,000. On average, this is 0.85 of the asking price, the data shows. These businesses had median revenue of $261,206 and a median cash flow of $64,316. Business buyers paid on average 0.50 times revenue and 2.26 times cash flow.
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